Fabric Dyeing and Modern Cut & Switch

with Sue Cortese
We are excited to have Sue coming to Smith-Owen. Sue is a quilter, fabric dyer, teacher, vendor and a certified quilt judge and she will be here to teach a class on how to dye your own fabric. Then, the following week she will be back teaching her fun, Modern Cut & Switch class. Don't miss your chance to learn new techniques from a Nationally recognized instructor!
In this class, Modern Cut & Switch, we will learn to piece improvisationally... making it as we go, without a pattern to follow. We will experiment with line, shape and proportion in creating an original design. We will learn how different line placement and value choices can make in our work . Use a ruler or learn to cut without (drawing with your rotary cutter). Bring colors that interact well but provide contrast. There is not set size for the finished piece, so make a table runner or lap size quilt... making it a great class to learn a new technique.
In the Basic Fabric Dyeing class will go through several exercises to create yards of your own colorful cloth. You will learn some basic techniques for dyeing fabric using Procion MX Fiber Reactive Dyes and a low water immersion technique. We will do a single color gradation exercise, a color-to-color gradation exercise and a multiple color exercise. We will talk about color theory briefly to helping with your color mixing. While we will be dyeing the fabric in class, you will be bringing the fabric home to rinse out. I will walk you through the entire process so that you are comfortable dyeing on your own.
For the Further Dye Exploration class we will be expanding on what you learned in the beginning class earlier today or in the previous class that took place in February.
It is a follow up to the basic fabric dyeing class, in other words you must have taken the basic fabric dyeing class to be in this class. I will demonstration a few basic shibori methods, but the major of this class will be an independent study
The supplies will be provided for you, I will assist you, but this will be your time to mix more of your own colors and use the techniques you have learned as you desire.
sign up below
Beginner Fabric Dyeing Saturday, July 11 from 9AM - Noon Cost: $45.00 Click here for Supply List Further Dye Exploration Saturday, July 11 from 1-4 PM Cost $45.00 Click here for supply list Modern Cut & Switch CANCELED Cost $45.00 Click here for Supply List |
Save up to $15.00 Take two or more of Sue's Classes and Pay Only $40.00 each Use form below to sign up |
I started quilting and dyeing fabric in 1995 while living in Green River, WY. My original quilting goal was to make a quilt in every style and pattern. This goal has lead me to experiment with various techniques and styles over the years. (While I have not given up entirely on my goal, I do realize now that it might not be entirely obtainable!) On my third or fourth quilt, I started going my own way and altering designs and patterns. I wanted my quilts to be unique. Thus, I began changing the colors, dyeing my own fabric, and using different borders and settings. I enjoy traditional quilts as well as art quilts, machine quilting as well as hand quilting, bright colors as well as toned… I like it all!
Here are some of our students finished fabric.