HoopSisters Feathered Star
My embroidery machine can do that?
Yes it can! Sign up for the Feathered Star EmbroidaBlock and you can finish most of this quilt in the hoop of your embroidery machine. The Feathered Star is available for all machine formats and sizes of embroidery machines. Don't miss it!
Watch this video to see more of the quilt.Hoop sister participants can pick up their design and text information on the second Tuesday of each month. You can come in any time between 10am and 7pm. Patty will do the transfers and answer questions. You can stay and embroider during the open embroidery time if you want or just pick up this months info and designs. If you need more proof on how great this quilt is then stop in to see stitched samples
You will get all of the designs and instructions for 120 blocks for $150.00. Smaller versions can also be made.
Then sign up below.